UPDATE: Thanks to the rain downpouring at FC on the 3rd, we decided to move the date to NEXT weekend. The new date for Ms. Andie Salad's book signing event will be Saturday, December 10, 2022. It should make for less soggy books, and an all-around more pleasant experience for all. See y'all then!!
Howdy Friends and Fans! In this short-notice blog post, I am excited to announce a very special event happening this weekend, Saturday December 3, 2022. At this weekend's Falls Church farmers market, right in our own ESH booth, we will have a special guest. Ms. Andie Salad, author and creator of "An Un-Fur-Gettable Christmas", will be autographing copies of her whimsical, animal themed coloring book! We are very proud to have Andie share her time and talent with us, and we know you'll enjoy meeting her.

Andie is the daughter of one of our long
-time, dear-to-our-hearts ESH friends, who has long supported our little lettuce farm. She is a student of animation and studio art, and is an aspiring (not to mention remarkable!) professional artist. Y'all, she created this book in 11 days flat! So anyway, naturally we jumped at the chance to shamelessly plug her book. And being the pet lovers that we are, we just swooned over the illustrations in this precious coloring book. You'll want to see the detail for yourself!
"An Un-Fur-Gettable Christmas" will be available for purchase at our booth at the market for $10 (coloring book with colors or colored pencils included), while supplies last. We are also offering this special Christmas coloring book at the ESH holiday farm store. Friends and Fans, come out and meet Andie Salad, and pick up an autographed copy. We know it'll make you smile! As the Head of Lettuce says, "It's Dang Darling!"