Hydroponics: What Does it Mean?

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. W.F.Gericke coined the term hydoponics from the Greek "hydro" or "water" and "ponos" or "working."
Literally: water working.
Hydroponics is not a recent invention. Historians have found Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting the cultivation of plants in water as far back as several thousand years BC! The hanging gardens of Babylon and the Aztecs Floating gardens of Mexico City are both examples of early hydroponic gardening.
One major objective of hydroponics is to provide the ideal nutritional environment for optimum plant performance. Although technically not part of hydroponics, hydroponic growers typically attempt to provide other ideal environmental factors as well. Plant performance can be further optimized by controlling temperature, humidity, and lighting. Using a greenhouse provides natural lighting while controlling temperature and humidity. Using supplemental lighting can also provide the ideal season for the plant performance desired. Advances in technology in lighting, nutrient delivery, and environmental control, will continue to improve productivity and quality of plant performance.
Healthier Plants!
Plants grown hydroponically are generally healthier than plants grown in soil, since they receive a near perfectly balanced diet. Additionally, hydroponic plants rarely come in contact with soil borne pests and diseases.
Healthier Customers!
Without the use of herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides, the resulting produce is healthier to eat. Our employees are not exposed to toxic chemicals, and labor costs are reduced.
Higher Yields!
Since hydroponic systems reduce water and nutrient stress to the plants, crops grow faster and can be grown closer together without starving each other. Healthier plants result in higher yields. Perfect plant conditions result in perfect plant production.
Hydroponic systems conserve water by preventing evaporation and runoff.